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The Carr Family’s New Home Is Dedicated in New Orleans East

Carr family's dedication ceremony.

As nearly 100 volunteers gathered from the Cincinnati Crossroads group, Kewanda Carr read her carefully chosen thank yous through tears of joy. Her family and friends had gathered along with NOAHH staff to celebrate the dedication of her new home, and she had nothing but gratitude for the opportunity she had been given. In return, there was nothing but admiration from all gathered for her achievement as the volunteers took part in the traditional dedication ceremony, presenting symbolic gifts of wine, bread, flowers, tools, a Bible, and keys. Kewanda Carr’s pastor, Elder Chad Williams of the City of Love Church, was there to bless the home, calling on God to grant his grace to every facet of the home.

Carr says she came to the NOAHH program to give her daughter a happy, stable home with a backyard to play in. She had evacuated New Orleans to Texas, but returned to be close to her family. She discovered the rents were unreasonably high, and she soon came to the decision that it would be better to be a homeowner. She joined the NOAHH program, and it was not long before her home was underway! All of her hard work and patience came to fruition on Thursday as she stood before the crowd and received the key to her home. Soon, she will be moving in and her daughter’s wishes will be fulfilled!”

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